Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Speedlinks for 7/3/07

Today's Speedlinks.

  • Stan Rowan reports on a recent Supreme Court ruling that could recind restrictions that preclude photographers from formally setting minimum pricing on our goods and services...

  • Meanwhile, I've been called out as doing "the stupidest thing a commercial photographer could ever do" and by doing so "actually hurt the industry more then anything else." And while it may not work for this hollaback guy (to paraphrase Gwen Stefani) it sure works for a lot of others, and that level hyperbole is maybe a bit over the top?

  • Over at YouTube a search for "retouch" yields interesting videos on retouching capabilities. The "lose weight" and "Extreme (Photoshop) Makeover are ones worth checking out.

  • Lisa Surati updated her Camera and Equipment Insurance - piece a few months ago, and if you don't have photo equipment insurance, this sure will be a valuable resource in helping you figure out what you need (and hopefully you'll also realize THAT you need it!)
Now go! Check 'em out, and come back soon!
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