Troubling Attitudes at Nikon Professional Services
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Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Sony FX6 Monitor Solution - Two Monitors Setup
A dual monitor setup for the Sony FX6 using a combination of Tilta, Zacuto, and Bright Tangerine accessories optimized for rigidity and ease of portability. Equipment also used includes Neewer, Small Rig, Ulanzi, and Camvate. This setup also allows for the Sony wireless lavalier system to be used
Equipment Referenced:
🛒 - Zacuto Sony FX6 Z-Finder
🛒 - Bright Tangerine MINI AXL (SONY FX6)
🛒 - Bright Tangerine SONY FX6 TOP HANDLE BRACE
🛒 - Tilta Camera Cage for Sony FX6 Advanced Kit
🛒 - Tilta Camera Cage for Sony FX6 Advanced Kit (Tilta website)
🛒 - Front Monitor 90-degree mount
🛒 - Top handle small nato rail
🛒 - 150mm Nato rail extension arm
🛒 - 150mm Nato clamp add-on
🛒 - Rear Monitor tilt-swivel
🛒 - Front Monitor QR kit
🛒 - Rear monitor mount add-on
🛒 - 3/8ths to 1/4-20 reducer
🛒 - QR Extension screw through frame
🛒 - Sony Hotshoe Digital Adapter
🛒 - Sony Two Lavs Kit
🛒 - Sony One Lav one plug-on Kit
🛒 - PolarPro Full Base Camp Kit
🛒 - PolarPro Matte Box
🛒 - PolarPro Matte Box 15mm Rail Mount
🛒 - My Book - Best Business Practices for Photographers
Disclaimer I participate in the Amazon Services Associates Program, which earn fees by linking to without increasing what you would pay. No one requested I make this video, no money changed hands, no one reviewed it beforehand, and I bought all the gear myself.
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Sunday, January 3, 2021
Tethering Your Sony a7 III (A73) - WHAT WE USE
One of the challenges that we've faced many times when tethering our cameras has been the stability of the connection from camera to computer. This isn't brand specific, as past brands we've used have had the same problems. The company Tether Tools has made an entire business out of helping with these issues. One brief disconnect can shut down a transfer and cause corrupted files or a live connection shutdown, even if the wiring reconnects within milliseconds.
Here is how we figured out how to solve the problem, using a tweak to the cable lock Sony sells for less than $50.Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The FITT360 360° Wearable Virtual Reality Camera - Unboxing and Testing
We recently received the FITT360 360° virtual reality camera which you wear around your neck. We purchased this from the company, and because we were unable to find many videos other than those put out by the company or which use the company-supplied footage, we put together an unboxing and testing set of videos.
NOTE: This is not a sponsored post, and Linkflow, the manufacturer of this product, did not provide this product to us with the knowledge that it would be reviewed and tested. It came from their standard production run, and was purchased at the Indiegogo backer price.
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Thursday, February 13, 2020
US Copyright Office - Step-By-Step for a Group of Published Photographs
The US Copyright Office has produced a video which is very helpful in giving you a step-by-step explanation of how to register a group of published photographs.
Back in January of 2018 Photo Business News reported Significant Changes at The US Copyright Office whereby in February of 2018 a new system as put in place to process your copyright registration. Thankfully, they saved us here at Photo Business News from having to spend the time updating our video that is 42 minutes long and has almost 7,000 views on YouTube alone.
Here is a step-by-step video produced by the US Copyright Office (best watched in full screen) -
One of the ongoing challenges of the US copyright registration system is the upper limit of 750 images per registration. Prior to the February 2018 change, you could register a virtually unlimited number of images on a single registration. Hopefully, future changes to copyright registration policies and procedures will allow for more than 750 images per registration.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2020
US Copyright Office - Step-By-Step for a Group of Unpublished Photographs
The US Copyright Office has produced a video which is very helpful in giving you a step-by-step explanation of how to register a group of Unpublished photographs.
Back in January of 2018 Photo Business News reported Significant Changes at The US Copyright Office whereby in February of 2018 a new system as put in place to process your copyright registration. Thankfully, they saved us here at Photo Business News from having to spend the time updating our video that is 42 minutes long and has almost 7,000 views on YouTube alone.
Here is a step-by-step video produced by the US Copyright Office (best watched in full screen) -
One of the ongoing challenges of the US copyright registration system is the upper limit of 750 images per registration. Prior to the February 2018 change, you could register a virtually unlimited number of images on a single registration. Hopefully, future changes to copyright registration policies and procedures will allow for more than 750 images per registration.
Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Termination of ImageBrief Services
For years, PhotoBusinessNews has been critical of the damage that ImageBrief has been doing to the assignment sector of the photographic industry. Feburary 13, 2015 we wrote "ImageBrief: A scourge on the photographic industry", and last year,
on May 28th, 2016 we published "500px, ImageBrief - The Crowdsourcing Scoundrels of the Internet".
So, it came as no surprise, and is good news for photographers in general, that ImageBrief announced their own demise.
If you contributed to ImageBrief, you have 7 days to retrieve your images, licenses, and other documents from the ImageBrief servers.
Here is the entire text of their email:
Dear {Contributor},
Today, we're announcing that after six years of connecting agencies, brands and creators, we will be closing down ImageBrief's photographer marketing services.
We're proud of the products and apps we built, but even more so, we're grateful for the community that enabled them to grow. More than 70,000 creators earned millions of dollars collaborating with 12,500+ global agencies and brands in 169 countries.
There has never been a better time for creators to thrive. Demand for content has increased, and the tools to create world-class creative are more accessible than ever.
Our talented team of engineers, designers, developers, and curators have worked tirelessly to make ImageBrief a success in a competitive and rapidly evolving landscape, and our immediate priority is to help you transition to other services to support your business.
In the coming days, our team will be in contact with you directly with detailed information about your specific account, license history, and services. Over the next week, we recommend logging into ImageBrief to download and retain your license history and related assets. Further details can be found in the FAQ's below.
We want to thank you for your participation and loyalty, and look forward to working with you in the coming weeks to ensure a smooth transition.
Team ImageBrief
FAQ'SWhat will happen to images I have uploaded?ImageBrief does not distribute your images through third parties. All photos you have submitted to the site will be permanently removed from our servers within the next seven days.
How do I get copies of my licenses?For the next seven days, you will be able to login to if you require additional copies of your licenses. Download your license and associated schedules. You are legally obliged to continue to adhere to all terms and agreements of your licensed images.
What will happen to my personal and credit card Information?We will permanently remove your personal information where it is no longer required, protecting your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, loss, misuse, and alteration. ImageBrief uses Stripe and does not store private credit card information.
What will happen to payments due to me?Over the next 90 days, our finance team will continue to manage accounts on behalf of contributors for images recently licensed. You will be contacted directly regarding the specific status of outstanding payments and paid within 30 days of receipt of the client's payment.
ImageRights ServicesIf you activated ImageRights and via the ImageBrief platform, images you have synced to ImageRights will remain in your ImageRights account.
You can use the email you used to signup with ImageBrief, but you'll need to reset your password to be able to login to ImageRights directly. Head to the login page at and select the 'Forgot Password' link. Cases will continue to be pursued while your account remains open. You can submit an account cancellation to ImageRights by emailing
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Monday, January 22, 2018
Significant Changes at The US Copyright Office
Here is the video that details how we have been doing them:
In less than a month, the limit is going to be 750 images, TOTAL, on a single registration. This means that a group registration of 5,500 images that I could previously register for $55 using the online eCO, will now cost me $520, or almost a ten-fold increase. (Source: Library of Congress fees).
It is disturbing that there is little extra cost (that is, a few additional sheets of certificate paper) for a 5,500 image registration than for a 750 image registration, so it makes no sense as to why this change has occurred.
While the new rules are the same for both a group registration of published photographs (GRPPH) and a group of unpublished photographs (GRUPH), this doesn't alleviate how much more work it is going to be for photographers, and how much more expensive it is.
Here are the new requirements:
- Every image must be in a separate document in list form, and this list is not created until you have submitted your registration, and receive a case number from the eCO
- Photos can only be JPEG, TIF, and GIF, and all should be in a .ZIP file, and the total size of the file must be 500MB or less
- You'll still page the $55 fee, but the link above lists a $65 fee now as well
- You can no longer use a paper registration, it's online only
- The registration requires that you're the only author
- Every image must have it's own title, as we recommend in the video above, not just a single title
- the entire group must also have a title, also as we recommend in the above video
TITLE: 20180122_CongressPressConf0987 FILE: 20180122_CongressPressConf0987.JPG DATE: 01/22/2018
While this is easily automatable, it is an additional steps that adds to the hassle.
Then, the required attached document, in list form, using Excel, would something be named something like:
Then title of the work would be:
On the plus side, the Copyright Office has specified that now it is no longer a question as to whether or not the individual images registered as a part of a group registration are covered individually or not, they are now. So if someone were to say you were entitled to only a single statutory award of up to $150,000 if someone infringes on 5 images that all were in a single registration, your maximum statutory award would be $150k x 5, or $750,000. Whereas now, That argument now is supposedly laid to rest. That is, until a court case challenges it.
Another significant improvement to the regulations is that the photographers who use assistants or other photographers to work under them on a work-made-for-hire basis can now register multiple photographers all on the same registration for one fee, provided that the legal author of all the photographs is the same, as it is when second shooters work on a work-made-for-hire basis (with the necessary contract signed beforehand). Previously one would have to file a separate registration for photographs made by each additional photographer even if they were working on a WMFH basis.
Here is the final rule (LINK):
After soliciting comments in late 2016, the U.S. Copyright Office adopted a final rule, effective February 20, 2018, governing group registration of photographs. The final rule modifies the procedure for registering groups of published photographs (GRPPH), and establishes a similar procedure for registering groups of unpublished photographs (GRUPH). The final rule adopts a new requirement that applicants seeking copyright registrations for groups of photographs—both published and unpublished—must generally submit applications through the Office’s electronic registration system, and can include up to 750 photographs in each claim. The final rule also modifies the deposit requirement by requiring applicants to submit their contributions in a digital format and to upload those files through the electronic system; clarifies the eligibility requirements; and confirms that a group registration issued under GRPHH or GRUPH covers each photograph in the group, each photograph is registered as a separate work, and the group as a whole is not considered a compilation or a collective work.For all the details, visit this link here at the eCO. So if you're behind on your registrations, be sure to get them all done before 2/19/2018, as these changes go into effect on February 20th, 2018.
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Thursday, January 18, 2018
Take Action Now – Copyright Simplified
This looks to be an amazing solution where a website or t-shirt vendor or even a magazine has stolen your work. Has someone stolen your work and posted it on their instagram account? Here’s your solution, provided it becomes law. The Copyright Alliance has more information here - - and visit this link – a streamlined way for you to contact your member of congress.
David Trust, CEO of the Professional Photographers of America explains it thusly:
Tom Kennedy, Executive Director of ASMP stated that “the introduction of the CASE Act is a critical step in the several years-long effort by ASMP and its colleagues in the creative community to correct an historic inequity in the copyright law: the failure of the law to provide individual creators with an effective and affordable means to combat infringements of their creative works—an especially vexing problem in a digital environment where piracy occurs at the click of a mouse.”
The NPPA, back in 2012, pointed out that “While much of the advocacy by NPPA deals with access issues and the right to photograph and record in public; it cannot be understated that without the ability to affordably protect one’s copyright visual journalists will soon be out of business,” Mickey Osterreicher, NPPA general counsel said. “That is why it is so important that the Copyright Office support a new initiative that will address this critical issue,” he added. The NPPA went on to note that "As many photojournalists face situations involving copyright claims that amount to a limited amount of damages, the NPPA strongly supports the creation of a copyright small claims court system by the Copyright Office that would permit photojournalists to resolve such claims in an expedited and cost effective manner."
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Friday, September 15, 2017
PPA and Copyright - Trust a Champion
A few weeks ago, the CEO of the PP of A, David Trust, wrote a great piece on "Why Congress Needs to Focus on Photographers", (Medium, 8/10/17) and it is a well reasoned presentation of the importance as to why photographers need help with protecting their intellectual property.
Trust notes that "...over 70% of photographers and visual artists will lose a month’s worth of income, or more, during their careers to copyright infringement..." and he highlights several examples of where photographers were the victims of the theft of their work or slandered and libeled, through no fault of their own. The article is very much worth a read.
With over 30,000 members of the PP of A, they represent a broad cross-section of members, and when people are wondering whether or not to re-up their membership in their various organizations, this article is a reminder that, while photographers are working hard at making great images and telling stories, whether it be the marriage of a bride and groom, a feature on a notable person, or the news of the day, leaders like David Trust are championing you and your business every day, often behind-the-scenes.
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