Thursday, November 2, 2006

PhotoPlus Expo - Off to a Great Start

As PhotoPlus kicked off this morning, a swell of attendees waited for the clock to tick 10:00 and the two slightly less than friendly security guards to allow the masses in. However, those that got the Gold Expo Pass could bypass the delay, and get in an hour early, which meant no lines at the booths you wanted to see. If you're a Nikon or Canon user, and wanted to avoid the four-deep bodies waiting to handle the gear, you were in luck!

Stopping by the Hensel booth to talk to Mark and Marc revealed some amazing new products in both the portable/battery models as well as the "plug in the wall" models, with faster recycle times and flash durations, than their previously already superior products. Check out Hensel USA for more.

I've planted myself at the APA booth from 12-2 today where they're selling the books (and I'm signing them) so swing on by!

After I leave there, I will trek out to see the latest products (and services) that are out there to make our lives easier and more efficient. More later....


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


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