TIPS60 - The importance of having long-term care insurance
Here is another of our videos offering tips and inisights into the business of photography. a transcript of the video is included after the jump.
(Continued after the Jump)
TRANSCRIPT:Here are a few thoughts on long-term care insurance. I'm John Harrington. Long term care insurance is a very valuable resource to have should something happen to you, you be debilitated or otherwise can't work and you need to go into skilled nursing facility or other location where you need to be attended to and there's daily or monthly costs to care for you medically. Long term care insurance should actually be a tax deductible business expense. I'm not an accountant so you might want to check with your accountant on that, but it's something that you should definitely be considering. It does give you peace of mind knowing that you're not going to have to sell off all your familial assets and essentially go into bankruptcy before medicare, medicaid will take care of you. Long term care insurance is kind of a form of life insurance that protects you or rather, your family while you're still alive from having to declare bankruptcy in order for you to be taken care of because of something debilitating that means you can't work anymore. So look into long term care insurance it's not that expensive and it's well worth it.
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Pricing for the same level of long term care coverage can vary greatly between companies, with some companies charging over 100% more than others. Work with an independent insurance agent that can provide quotations from numerous companies. Let us research the market and design a long term care insurance solution to meet your needs and budget at:
Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA
CEO - Skloff Financial Group
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