Thursday, October 24, 2013

PDN's PhotoPlus Expo - 30 Years and Counting

This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the PhotoPlus Expo, which takes place in the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City. There slogan this year is "Honoring the Past, Envisioning the Future", and it's quite appropriate for an event as storied as this. Each year tens of thousands of professional photographers, those that aspire to be professional, and yes, on Saturday, the weekend-warriors make it out to see the latest and greatest in what is out there for photographers to better be in business.

There are some that suggest that everything they need to know or learn about when it comes to technology, class-style learning, and so on, can be garnered from online resources. Yet, as connected as we are, the PhotoPlus Expo really delivers an excellent signal-to-noise ratio that cuts through all the posturing and gives you a hands-on experience like you can't get many other places.

There are many vendors that I find that I never would have, save for the opportunity to walk the aisles and discover interesting things. Here's one.

(Continued after the Jump) is a really cool vendor that lets you deliver customized USB drives with your logo, along with customized packaging. One that piqued my interest was the crystal drive that really is slick. Here's one of their displays.

The seminars are another great place to get that hands-on connection that YouTube and Vimeo just can't give you. Make your way down to Javits if you're here in town. If not, it's an inexpensive bus-ride or quick train trip into town.

Your future will thank you.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

TIPS60 - On Quickbooks - Professional Photographers Expense Categories

Here is another of our videos offering tips and inisights into the business of photography. a transcript of the video is included after the jump.

(Continued after the Jump)

TRANSCRIPT:Here are a few thoughts on how to best set up your Quickbooks software for use as a photographer. I'm John Harrington. Setting up your Quickbooks properly is critical to understanding your business how it's running, where the money is going, where it's coming from, and how to best manage it. I can't stress enough the importance of doing this. Setting it up properly makes sure that your expense categories and the chart of accounts are correct. PPofA Professional Photographers of America has a really great resource, if you simply Google PPofA Quickbooks categories or follow the link below, you'll get there, there's a whole host of information on how to set up your Quickbooks. It's a really great resource and checking it out, making sure that your system is set up to a standard to make sure that all your finances are right really will set you apart, make your accountant happy, and really let you understand how your business is running.

Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.

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