Speedlinks - 11/19/08
Today's Speedlinks.
- The Perfect Storm Has Arrived - From Vincent Laforet - THIS ONE'S A MUST-READ FRIENDS.
- Magazine Death Pool - A sad take on the death of the pulp printing industry, but it's worth a bookmark!
- Paul Melcher on Getty - Paul's got an interesting open letter to Marc Getty. Within the rant, it's a good read. UPDATE: It seems Paul's post is gone. Interesting...
(Comments, if any, after the Jump)
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Thanks for the link to Laforet's blog post. Very interesting........but this link is the MUST READ: http://www.sportsshooter.com/news/2014
This pretty much breaks down exactly how things in our industry have been going and how badly the business will be in the future.
It's a sinking boat; it's time to pull down the escape boat and flee.
Regarding the down turn and simultaneous meltdown of the publishing industry's part of the equation I ram reminded of the little episode we experienced in the mid 90s. Ad agencies layoff Jr Art Directors, Senior Creative Directors take on the jobs of those 2-3 Jrs laid off and then play it safe by using vendors, their chums with big overheads to do discounted jobs. The big overhead carrying good ole boys start lowering their prices to compete against each other and then start leaving their specialty niches to get whatever is left. Let the lowballing begin. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I learned a lot about the sincerity of my heros back then. Cut throat would be an understatement. You can't bid successfully against someone who has a kid in college and a big overhead, who also just happens to be best buds with the guy who's just been handed a triple work load.
Ruthless penny pinching, bare bones overhead and non stop signaling to your clients that you are happy as a clam and have only your hard work to save you are the only way to the other side. The falling off the map syndrome just moved into warp drive. Promote positive market enthusiasm and deliver frugally. But don't think that there are fair rules, like people turning down work because it's not what they "do" and recognize very clearly the possibility some of your heros just might let you down.
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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