Monday, May 25, 2009

iPhone Cover Art

The iPhone is a remarkable tool. Enter the latest incarnation of the technology's fruits, the cover of the New Yorker Magazine:

In this instance, it's not about the megapixels of the camera, because this was a piece of art created entirely in the iPhone's Brushes application, as reported here, and the New York Times wrote about it here. Yet one more example of why it's about the talent, not the tools.

(Comments, if any, after the Jump)

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Anonymous said...

Uh, John, this is all about the technology.

John Harrington said...

My point is that don't say you can't do something because you don't have the best equipment, OR, don't say that what you have isn't great just because of the equipment you used. For this artist, the iPhone was just a tool, and his talent showed through.


Craig Murphy said...

The final product in reality had nothing to do with technology. Anonymous Bonehead. Just like what John said. The IPhone was a tool.

Anonymous said...

John leads the post with the technology. Then he follows up with the technology. He never mentions the artist. Does not link to the artists site. Instead he links to two news stories about the artist using the TECHNOLOGY.

In case you haven't been following this blog, John is a gadget freak, equipment snob, and not so much the artistic type. He's just trying to make-up for past sins of looking down his nose on photographers who use equipment that does not meet his standards.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous spewd...

John leads the post with the technology. Then he follows up with the technology. He never mentions the artist.........

Anonymous, has anyone ever told you that you remind some of an angry want-to-be or a sore cock garage?

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