Talent On Loan From God
I listen to a great deal of radio, from NPR, to Bob Edwards, to Air America, to Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern. I spend a lot of time driving around, and those are among the many things I listen to.
One of the things I chuckle about is when people get all up in arms when Rush Limbaugh says "talent on loan from God", which is one of his catch-phrases. "What do you mean - your talent is from God? How pompous!" Or some variation of that sentiment.
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Yet, when actresses, sports figures, or the like stand before a microphone, often times you hear "I'd like to thank God...", recognizing that their skills are a gift from God. When Limbaugh says it (usually with tounge-in-cheek bravado) he is actually acknowledging that whatever talent he has is God-given, and it's on-loan, so that whenever he dies, it returns to God.
I am often asked by liberals why I listen to Limbaugh. From conservatives - why I listen to Air America, and so forth. It's to see things from as many perspectives as possible.
I believe that all our talent is not only God-given, but also scheduled for a return at the right time. Some of us use our talent, hone and refine it, and others waste it away. Some make a difference with it, others use it for all the wrong reasons. All of it is on-loan therefore, and it is up to us to build upon it.
What are you doing with yours in 2009?
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What reason is there to believe that one's ability comes from a god?
Sometimes it feels more like a rental than a loan.
Anonymous -
If you believe in God, then it is fair and resonable to believe that your talent is on loan from God.
According to this link:
and this link:
...somewhere under 15% of the world's population believes there is no god, and thus likely the vast majority thank that god for talent, ability, good fortune, and so on.
-- John
My talent is on loan from Satan.
What reason is there to believe your talent doesn't come from a God?
Questioning other's beliefs because there are those who don't share in those beliefs is counter productive.
Regardless of where, in reality, out talents originate, they are intangible until we apply them. Our talents also cease to exist, once we cease to exist. So for many it is logical to believe that these talents offer a purpose and an an end that is goes beyond self.
John is merely offering food for thought about positive use of out talents in the new year .... not opening a debate on the existence of a deity.
I thanked God last night for the talent he has given me. What great reminder that we maybe should do that a little more often:-)
As one who rolls his eyes at the drug addicted, money laundering wonder as he expresses his God given fortunes as the mainstay of his radio existence, I often wonder what sort of God lends his credence to someone that is so obstreperous and scurrilous towards his fellow man?
Santa delivered my talent right in the nick of time for 2009. It's like pixie dust.
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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