Adobe & Futurecasting
Often we wonder "what's next?" in our chosen profession, and the consensus seems to be "video", in one form or another. I just finished a 25 minute Ken-Burns-esque video for a client that I am delivering this week, which uses 400 stills from 5,000+ images from a recent assignment. In addition, we've integrated video capabilities into our service offerings to clients in DC, but the uptake on that segment of our business - at least right now - is minimal.
When we ask Adobe "what's next?" for upcoming versions of software, they demur and don't answer, or they are coy about exactly what will be next in a roundabout way, with a wink and a nod. Here though, is a cool video that demonstrates what they're working on over at Adobe - an example of the increased openness we're seeing from the company. This, I believe, is a good thing.
Interactive Video Object Manipulation from Dan Goldman on Vimeo.
Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.
Cool software but beware; using it to change reality can be hazardous. Making his three students all smile in the same frame for a still frame grab is unethical to most of us.
I know what you mean. I used photoshop the other day to replace the head of someone in a frame that was blinking with one where their eyes were open.
I don't know how I sleep at night O_o
Bart will never work as a photojournalist. He's too eager to make everything look nice and pretty -- forget his shallow ethics.
When you want to post as something other than anonymous I'll listen to your opinion. In the meantime I'll continue to replace heads if that's what the clients ask for.
Yo Bart, just surfed your website. Ugh. Guy with a Camera images. LOL. What was it you were saying? I can't hear you Bart.
Troll away....If you are a photojournalist as you claim on your original post then you aren't a very professional one.
This is the demo of a pretty nifty tool. Photoshop is a tool too. If you think it's unethical then don't use it but there are perfectly legitimate uses. I for one think it's pretty good and has potential for a lot of fun applications. In case you missed it in he video this kind of thing already exists in Adobe's hi-end products so the tech itself is not new..but the interface is. I look forward to adding witty quips and thought bubbles to family videos, however unethical you might think that is :)
There are plenty of legitimate uses for these features, as Bart points out. It's just that none of them are journalism-focused, since manipulating images like this is outside of generally accepted standard for journalism.
-- John
Astonishing. Great potential in this tech.
^^ nice blog!! ^@^
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^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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